October 19–22, 2017 | Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan

    شاركت التدريسية م. منتهى عبد الكريم جاسم /وحدة الاعلام والمعلوماتية في مركز التعليم المستمر في المؤتمر العالمي التاسع  للتعليم تحت شعار (التعليم نحو التغيير ؛  Education for Change) /(ACE2017) والمنظم من قبل ((IAFOR ،Organized by The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) in association with the OSIPP-IAFOR Research Center at Osaka University and IAFOR’s Global University Partners ،

مدة انعقاد المؤتمر  19-22/10/2017،

مكان انعقاد المؤتمر كوبيه/اليابان_ مركز كوبيه للفنون.

نوع المشاركة : (2) ورقتان  بحثيتان (منفرد ومشترك):-

1.   البحث (المنفرد) الموسوم :

Title: The use of Comics to Development the Effectiveness of Training Courses and Continuing Education Programs .


Training Course is not a basic program; it is based on previous foundation experiences, targeted at specific groups, familiar with the educational context and willing to continue the cumulative construction of previous scientific and practical experience, and may be Attendance of the training course is purely motivated by the trainee, or motivated by the executive management of the trainee, where the trainee obtains a skill that contributes to the development of his professional work and keeps up with the scientific and educational developments and gives him a certificate of specialization in his field of work.

        The aim of the research is to find out the effectiveness of using the art of comics and its effect elements as an independent variable during the serial of lectures presented through continuing education courses at Development and Continuing Education Center (DCEC) at the University of Baghdad (UoB) as a new method to teaching owing to its ability to care for the individual differences among the trainees, and measuring the impact on the cognitive achievement, skills and trends of the trainees. In its traditional form.

 2.  البحث (المشترك) الموسوم  :

Title : Design a pilot program based on the storyboard to teach An Iraqi displaced Children; Experimental Study.

Mohannad K.Sabir, Baghdad University, Iraq

Muntaha A.K. Jasim, Baghdad University, Iraq

Zahraa Mohannad K. Sabir


      The storyboard is a world-class art that uses storytelling to use scenes or sequential drawings to express text written in a specific script to play an important role in spreading visual culture.

      This important of this research is to use the impact of this art to provide a pilot program specialized based on the storyboard to teach displaced children at Iraq,

       The research aims at designing a program for pre-school children between (3-6 years) who have not been allowed schools because of the bad situation which caused by the war and unstable situations in Iraq, to attend to the school, and attempt to secure their rights to education.

       The researchers seek to prepare a curriculum appropriate to the first stage of the children mentioned above in order to reconstruct their behavior positively and teach them the principles and basics of reading and writing.

للمزيد من المعلومات : الاطلاع على برنامج المؤتمرمن خلال الرابط في ادناه

1.   برنامج المؤتمر (ملف PDF):

2.   برنامج المؤتمر (يوتيوب ؛ Youtube):

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